
Deliver powerful photo galleries

All you need to manage, deliver and monetize image galleries. Advanced image processing tools that boost productivity and reach. Have full control over your images.

Image file format
Skoiy Assets is compatible with the industry’s leading graphics file format.
Portable Network Graphics, Gray Map, Pixmap format.png, .pgm, .ppm
Graphics Interchange Format.gif
Microsoft Windows Bitmap image.bmp
Scalable Vector Graphics.svg
Joint Photographic Experts Group.jpeg, .jpg
Kodak FlashPix.fpx
Tagged Image File Format.tif
Multi Picture Object File.mpo
Encapsulated PostScript File.eps
Icon File.ico
Paintbrush Bitmap Image File.pcx
Raw Image Data File; Fuji, Canon, Sony, Panasonic, Minolta, SIGMA X3F e Nikon RAW Files.raw; .raf, .cr2, .sr2, .rw2, .mrw, .x3f, .nef
Pentax Electronic File.pef
Server Response File.srf
BioWare Entity Resource File.erf
Digital Negative Image File.dng
Targa Graphic.tga
Adobe Photoshop Document.psd
Other file formats supported by Skoiy Assets: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .txt, .csv, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx, .rar, .zip, .odt, .rtf, .epub, .ods, .tsv and .odp.
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